Submisson Details

Publication through the CINCH working paper series does not prohibit you seeking publication in other working papers series. Please note that your paper has to be unpublished research work. 

Papers published in the working paper series are available on the web, and will not be made available in print. 

The working paper series is intended to disseminate papers that are “ready for submission” to peer-reviewed journals. Please refrain from submitting work that is incomplete. We will not update papers once they have been placed within the working paper series unless a strong case can be made that the paper contains fundamental flaws.

Submissions should be emailed to the managing editor (Dr. Christoph Kronenberg). 

Please make sure you include the following information on a cover page of the submission:

  • Title
  • Authors and institutions
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • JEL Classification
  • Contact information for the corresponding author
  • Acknowledgements


The main body of the text should begin on a page separate to the information contained in the cover page. Papers will be posted to the Working Paper Series in PDF.