Summer 18

Mondays Seminar Series in Health Economics


Mondays at 2 - 3.30pm

Room: WST-C.02.12, Weststadttürme Berliner Platz 6-8, Essen 

Contact: mondays-seminar (at)


To receive information about upcoming presentations please send an email to mondays-join (at)


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Apr 09

Pay-for-efficiency in the English NHS

Nils Gutacker (CHE, York)

Apr 16

The Impact of Preventive Home Visits on Utilization, Costs, and Staffing of Home-Based and Nursing Home Care

Norman Bannenberg (University Duisburg-Essen)

May 07

 Long-term care policy with nonlinear strategic bequests

Helmuth Cremer (Toulouse)

May 14

 Voluntary Pooling of Genetic Risk: A Health Insurance Experiment

Christian Waibel (ETH Zürich)

May 28

Closing the Teacher Quality Gap? An Empirical Analysis of Teacher-to-Classroom Assignment ProblemsPetra Thiemann (Lund)

Jun 04

Incentivizing Efficient Utilization Without Reducing Access: The Case Against Cost-Sharing in InsuranceMarkus Fels (TU Dortmund)

Jun 11

The downside of the policy coin: explaining changes in off- vs. on-patent drug utilization - a decomposition approachKatharina Blankart (CINCH, University Duisburg-Essen)

Jul 02

The role of physician and environment-specific factors in the adoption behaviour of new technologies


Eliana Barrenho (Imperial) 
Jul 09Economic uncertainty and healthSotiris Vandoros (King's College/Harvard)
Jul 16
An (un)healthy social dilemma: using normative messaging to increase flu vaccinationsIrene Mussio (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)