Empirical Analysis of Competition in Health Care Markets


Die Forschungsgruppe EACH verwendet ökonometrische Methoden um Wettbewerb im Gesundheitswesen zu untersuchen. Forschungsschwerpunkte bilden regionaler Wettbewerb im deutschen Gesundheitswesen sowie Wettbewerb zwischen Krankenversicherungen und Wettbewerb zwischen Leistungserbringern.


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  • Avdic, Daniel; Karlsson, Martin: Growth in Earnings and Health: Nothing is as Practical as a Good Theory: A Note on Earnings Growth and Movements in Self-Reported Health by Halliday. In: Review of Income and Wealth Jg. 63 (2017) , S. 777-787. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Bünnings, Christian; Kleibrink, Jan; Weßling, Jens: Fear of unemployment and its effect on the mental health of spouses. In: Health economics Jg. 26 (2017) , S. 104-117. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Büyükdurmus, Tugba; Kopetsch, Thomas; Schmitz, Hendrik; Tauchmann, Harald: On the interdependence of ambulatory and hospital care in the German health system. In: Health Economics Review Jg. 7 (2017) , S. 1-19. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Kronenberg, Christoph; Jacobs, Rowena; Zucchelli, Eugenio: The impact of the UK National Minimum Wage on mental health. In: SSM-Population Health Jg. 3 (2017) , S. 749-755. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Kronenberg, Christoph; Doran, Tim; Goddard, Maria; Kendrick, Tony; Gilbody, Simon; Dare, Ceri R; Aylott, Lauren; Jacobs, Rowena: Identifying primary care quality indicators for people with serious mental illness: a systematic review. In: British Journal of General Practice Jg. 67 (2017) . BIB DownloadDetails
  • Avdic, Daniel: Improving efficiency or impairing access? Health care consolidation and quality of care: Evidence from emergency hospital closures in Sweden. In: Journal of health economics Jg. 48 (2016) , S. 44-60. BIB DownloadDetails
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  • Avdic, Daniel; Gartell, Marie: Working while studying? Student aid design and socioeconomic achievement disparities in higher education. In: Labour Economics Jg. 33 (2015) , S. 26-40. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Bünnings, Christian; Tauchmann, Harald: Who opts out of the statutory health insurance? A discrete time hazard model for Germany. In: Health economics Jg. 24 (2015) , S. 1331-1347. BIB DownloadDetails
  • Kronenberg, Christoph; Barros, Pedro Pita: Catastrophic healthcare expenditure--drivers and protection: the Portuguese case. In: Health Policy Jg. 115 (2014) , S. 44-51. BIB DownloadDetails
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Heinrich Berg (Hiwi)

Ehemalige Mitarbeiter*innen

Prof. Daniel Avdic

Prof. Katharina Blankart

Prof. Hendrik Schmitz

Prof. Tauchmann

Dr. Simon Decker

Dr. Maryna Ivets

Dr. Ieva Sriubaite